Below are obituaries of Third Haven Friends Meeting members and attenders, listed alphabetically. If your loved one is missing from the list below, please accept our condolences and apologies and email us to let us know; we will correct the error as soon as possible!
- Clarence Edwin Barker | 9/29/26 - 8/31/05
- Monimia Hoak Barker | 3/31/25 - 1/09/11
- Leonard Francis Lloyd Baynham | 3/13/12 - 1/21/10
- Mark H. Beck | 1933 - 12/16/21
- Dr. Kenneth Lane Carroll | 5/8/24 - 2/25/21
- Esther Leeds Cooperman | 1927 - 8/21/22
- Deborah Lloyd Cox | 8/01/40 - 2/16/24
- Jane Virginia Escher | 3/21/21
- Stephen Martin Escher, Jr. | 5/27/24 - 8/10/22
- Stephen Mark Gerni | 8/19/49 - 8/9/21
- Norman Kirkness Hackland, Jr. | 9/21/39 - 4/10/20
- Philip Sharples Kemp | 1929 - 5/10/17
- Robert Lowber Kemp | 3/23/25 - 5/23/16
- Robert "Butch" Lowber Kemp Jr. | 1950 - 8/04/16
- Lila L. Line | 2/21/24 - 1/24/14
- Syndey Mahendra | 3/16/26 - 3/7/17
- Dorothy Marshall Moore | 1/14/35 - 8/10/18
- Charlie Mufson | 4/8/97 - 12/17/17
- James "Jim" Caverly Newlin Paul | 4/30/26 - 9/13/11
- Margaret "Peggy" Clausen Paul | 1927 - 3/10/12
- Adrienne Wheeler Rudge | 12/15/41 - 12/10/22
- Lucinda Sharp-Gates | 9/24/45 - 12/14/17
- Laura Aileen Small
- Robert "Bubbles" Shattuck | 2/14/37 - 10/4/19
- Sarah "Sally" Willis Vermilye | 6/27/40 - 4/4/21
- Betty Jean Wheeler | 1918 - 2/19/15
- Charles Elliot Wheeler | 4/18/17 - 4/24/10
- Irene S. Williams | 2/26/27 - 3/18/11
- Helen Etter Womack | 7/02/27 - 12/01/23
- Ralph Young | 9/17/32 - 8/16/19
- Frank D. Zeigler, Jr. | 1/22/23 - 6/29/17
- Mary Joyce Crouse Zeigler | 2/19/34 - 9/02/22