Policies of Third Haven Friends Meeting concerning Use of Facilities:

The beautiful facilities and grounds of this historic Quaker Meeting provide a quiet, reflective space that is primarily used to accommodate the needs of Meeting-sponsored activities. However, the facilities are also available for outside events that are sponsored by Members as well as any outside not-for- profit or for-profit groups.

All requests to use the Third Haven Friends Meeting facilities are to be sent to the Facilities Committee by calling 410-822-0293 or emailing lkitenko@yahoo.com.

The primary purpose of the Common Room is to accommodate the needs of the Meeting. Therefore all Meeting activities have scheduling priority over any other group when a conflict arises.

Listed in order of priority below (to rank competing outside requests for use on the same dates) the Meeting has established four types of uses:

Type 1 Meetings:

The Meeting seeks to provide use at no cost for Type 1 uses. Event dates are secured when confirmed by the Facility Use Committee.

Type 2 Meetings:

This use is approved with a request that the group make a donation for each meeting to Third Haven Friends Meeting that is commensurate with the:

If the event is cancelled, the Meeting appreciates as much notice as possible.

Event dates are secured when confirmed by the Facility Use Committee. (Cash/Check to be forwarded by the Friendly Presence to our Treasurer with event title and date.)

Type 3 Meetings:

The suggested donation for facilities use is $100 for each 4 hour period, or part thereof, PLUS $25/hour thereafter. Tours (Bus Company or Personal) are requested to make a donation of $3/person.

If the event is cancelled with more than 1 week's notice, 80% of the total donation will be refunded. With less than 1 week's notice, 60% of the total donation will be refunded.

Event dates are secured when confirmed by the Facility Use Committee. (Cash/Check to be forwarded by the Friendly Presence to our Treasurer with event title and date.)


Memorial Service

[Adherence to all aspects of this Facility Use Policy is required whether or not there is a set cost of such usage.]

All events are recorded on the Common Room and online calendars. The sponsor will be identified by the group or individual's name, the date/time and contact information including a phone number/email address.

The Facilities Use Committee may approve or disapprove such use or refer the request to the Meeting for Business. The Meeting reserves the right to terminate any on-going agreements with outside groups. In all uses approved for outside groups, the Committee will insure that there are adequate safeguards and oversight in place. If such groups meet on a regular basis and if a Meeting member must be absent, a person deemed responsible will be designated by name and must be present during the entire time.

The following are not permitted anywhere on Third Haven Meeting property:

When the kitchen is used, the group is expected to provide all supplies and to leave it in clean order, with all items used restored to their proper locations.

Unusual damage (rug stains, breakage) will be charged to the user. If decorations are to be used, please discuss the proper display of them with the Facilities Use Committee. All decorations are to be removed and not leave any marks on the walls or furniture.

Children will be supervised by an adult at all times.

Parking should first take place on graveled areas. There are three handicapped spaces in front of the Common Room. Parking may be allowed on grassy areas when attendance exceeds the graveled areas if the ground is firm and dry. For all large events, the event sponsors shall provide direction for parking to attendees. The Meeting will oversee the parking.

Should the user not be a member of Third Haven, a Member will be assigned as an unobtrusive "Friendly Presence" during the event.

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: 1st and 3rd Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293; 3rdhaven@gmail.com; Find Us on Facebook


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