Letter to Town of Easton Planning Committee, re: Talbot Interfaith Shelter
Town of Easton
Planning Commission
14 South Harrison Street
Easton, MD 21601
Re: Talbot Interfaith Shelter
November 09, 2020
Easton Planning Commission: Chairman Bone; Vice Chairman Weber; Member Tettlbaum; Member Cochran; Member Dindinger; Member McAndrews, Molchan,
We at Third Haven Friends Meeting believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every person. That includes having a safe and secure place to call home, and an opportunity to build a better life. We are supporters of the Talbot Interfaith Shelter who have been providing Talbot County residents with such support since 2008. Their 'S4' program provides the shelter, stability and support needed for enrolled individuals to experience success in moving away from homelessness.
The shelter facility at 107 Goldsborough Street has been an integral part of this success by allowing residents to blend seamlessly into the community as they work to stabilize their lives. Many of the shelter residents are children, and having a home-like atmosphere to return to every day is critical to building a foundation of dignity and self-worth.
In these difficult economic times, we are grateful that TIS has the opportunity to consider expanding their operations to meet growing community need. The property at 109 Goldsborough Street has been identified as is ideal location to expand their mission.
Members of Third Haven Friends Meeting wholly support their application for a special exception permit for this property so that they may expand shelter services and we urge you to approve the application without delay.
Molly Burgoyne Brian, Clerk
Third Haven Friends Meeting