Southern Quarter Report:
May 17, 2015
Connie Lewis, John Schreiner, Helen and Winslow Womack attended the Southern Quarter at Wicomico River Friends Meeting on First Day, May 17, 2015. Worship was at 11 am with a delicious luncheon afterwards.
Wicomico River Friends Meeting member, Sally Swayze, lead a discussion on an article from Friends Journal Archive: Moses Bailey's Lifetime Wellness Plan, This was a Quaker perspective on how to live a happy fulfilled life. Moses Bailey was a member of Hartford Connecticutt Meeting, an author and a retired Old Testament professor. He was born in Portland, Maine in 1892 and died at the age of 101. He was a concientious objector. A trip to the Mediterranean when he was a young boy lead to his love of the Middle East. Some of the following are some of his beliefs:
- Avoid all advertising. It'll rile the blood.
- Strive for integrity. Make it your daily mantra.
- Eat vegetarian. A visit to a slaughterhouse will provide motivation. Eat only when hungry, and befriend yogurt.
- Choose lifework that you enjoy. Figure it out and don't settle for less.
- Mentor continuously. Spread wellness to all continents.
- Constantly look over your shoulder to avoid that dreaded Quaker nemesis, hypocrisy.
- In the Quaker faith, with its simplicity, harmony, equality and community, there is great power. Only living the faith releases that power.
- Keep your heart open to all.