2021 Annual Report for the Scholarship Committee of Third Haven Friends Meeting
For the past many years Third Haven has held Scholarship funds to encourage the further education of our members. This fund and committee were started and encouraged by Mark Beck and others. Over the years funds were specifically invested at Friends Fiduciary Association for this purpose by a number of people.
Our Current list of students is as follows:
- Anna Sofia Neil—Senior—Georgetown University—$1,500.
- Atticus Leibman—Junior—University of Maryland—$1,500.
- Max McCall—Sophomore—Vanderbilt University—$1,500.
- Zadoc Bond—Sophomore—Haverford College—$3,000.
- Lucy Bond—Freshman—University of Maryland—$1,500.
- TOTAL - $9,000.
Serena Claggett—graduated from Annapolis High School in May. She is taking a "Gap Year" with travels in Europe, but plans to begin at Lewis & Clark College a year from now.
Coming along are:
- Maeve Mufson—10th grade—St. Andrews
- Molly McCall
- Liam Owsley-Ewing
- Finley Owsley-Ewing
- Riley Jane Owsley-Ewing
Funds at Friends Fiduciary Assn.
- Operating Fund $8,579.04
- Endowment Fund $141,622.44
Funds at Shore United Bank: $3023.70 with a $1500 outstanding check.
Friends—The world needs more Quakers even as we do here at Third Haven. We can start by encouraging children in this Meeting—First Day School. Make this a place they want to be every First Day and go on to be Peace seeking people in life. Susan and the First Day School Committee put a lot of time and effort into this. But the whole Meeting needs to get behind them and encourage them.
This Committee is looking into summer camps which are run by Friends. There is a summer camp in Catoctin which has an affiliation with Baltimore Friends and at least one, possibly in New Jersey, which is connected with PYM. Growing our local summer camp is also a possibility to be discussed by the committee.
A letter from Sofia Neal was read.