2016 Annual Report for the Scholarship Committee of Third Haven Friends Meeting
From the 5th Query on Education:
What help do we provide for the children and adults in our Meeting to pursue the education they seek, whether academic, technical, or vocational? Do we make provision for the children in our Meeting to attend a Friends schools?
Because of the generosity of the Meeting and of those who have donated individually to the Scholarship funds, this Committee intends to continue our policy of offering $1000 to our members who attend Friends' schools or colleges and $500. to those at non-Friends colleges.
Our list of recipients is as follows:
- Katie Claggett—sophomore—Guilford College $1000.
- Juliette Neil—freshman—Yale University 500.
- Lucy Bond—freshman—Syracuse University 500.
- Nathan Mullen—freshman—Wesleyan University 500.
- Emma Leibman—sophomore—Univ. of Maryland 500.
- Charlie Mufson—sophomore—Univ. of Vermont 500.
- Sam Mullen—senior—Drexel University 500.
- Evan Claggett—senior—Coastal University of South Carolina 500.
- Brandt Bethke—senior—George Washington Univ. 500.
Total for the Year $5000.
- Laurence Claggett is taking a semester off for travel, but plans to re-enroll for the second semester which would add $250.
These grants are given each semester, fall and winter.
The balance in Shore United Bank as of 8/31/16 is $1770.47. When all 10 scholarship checks are cashed the balance will be $520.47.
From Friends Fiduciary Corp. At 9/1, the balance of the Endowment Fund is $108,572.32 and the Operating Fund is $2,571.12.
In the future we hope to increase the amount of our grants. Historically we have taken a conservative approach toward increases to avoid having to retract them.
There is soon to be a decline in the number of scholarship eligible students within the meeting. Here is a list of those remaining. Maya Claggett is a senior in high school. Sofie Neil is in 10th grade. A couple of years behind them are Zadoc Bond, Serena Claggett, Max McCall, Maeve Mufson, Giuseppe Colbourn, Molly McCall, Liam, Finley, & Riley Ewing, plus a few who are not meeting members at this time.
With the enthusiasm of the Outreach Committee, who knows how many new families we may attract?
The Scholarship Committee continues to feel that it is important to keep encouraging our young members in this way, so that they know how important we feel their education is.
For the Committee: Lorraine Claggett, Benita Cooper, Deb Danser, Doreen Getsinger, Peter Howell, Neil Mufson, Sumner Parker, Sally Vermilye, Joan Wetmore, Marsie Hawkinson, clerk
We continue to hear from our students from time to time:
Evan Claggett:
Thank you so much for the money provided for the Fall semester. Your donations are always very generous. I am still continuing the marine science major at Coastal Carolina University. Although some of the classes have been challenging, I still enjoy learning about how the marine world plays such a vital role on this planet. Protecting and conserving the oceans and all marine life is very important to me once again. Thank you so much for your support. Sincerely, Evan Claggett
Juliette Neil:
As you may know, I am starting Yale University this Fall. As it approaches, I am getting more excited about the amazing opportunity I have been given. Yale has a truly wonderful Humanities program, and I am already giddy at the prospect of deepening my knowledge in an area I am so passionate about. And their motto is a very Quaker one—Light and Truth! As part of their Financial Aid package, they require that I provide about $2000 of my own as contribution. I know that, in the past, Third Haven has done an incredible job of supporting the education of its members. My older sisters benefitted greatly from the Meeting's gift, and I know how much they appreciated it. Is the Scholarship committee able to help me, too? Thank you so much, Juliette Neil