2014 Property & Grounds Annual Report:

Presented October, 2014

The Property and Grounds Committee in 2014 consisted of Meredith Watters, Larny Claggett, Posey Boicourt, Nancy Robbins, Priscilla Morris, Ed Danser, Anna Osler, Sally Vermilye, Mary Cotton, and Dee Rein. Aid was proffered by many members in the interest of maintaining our beautiful property. Clay Owens continues to serve as caretaker, including duties as groundskeeper, housekeeper and friendly presence to visitors. Members and Attenders supported Clean Up days in November of 2013 and April of 2014. We certainly hope they will again join us on November 8th.

Projects this year included:

Pending projects include:

Interested parties willing to help care for Third Haven by planning, competitive bidding projects, or hands on contributions to grounds and building are solicited to join Property and Grounds. Many hands make light work... and keep Third Haven beautiful.

Respectfully submitted,
D. Rein, Interim Clerk, Property and Grounds

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: 1st and 3rd Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293; 3rdhaven@gmail.com; Find Us on Facebook


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