Third Haven Monthly Meeting - Property & Grounds Annual Report
10th Month 11th, 2009

Dear Friends: This year has been focused on maintenance our property and grounds and improvements in specific areas. We have kept to our budget for year ending 6th month, 2009.

Overall - $30,000 which is slightly more that half the overall Monthly Meeting budget. Some of the expenses of P & G have been paid by the Trustees.

Webster's compensation - $18,000 (includes salary and health insurance) which is 60% of the P & G budget. No increase in salary for this year. Note: Websters receive use of the caretaker cottage at no cost.

Maintenance costs - $5,000 which is 18% of the P & G budget (primarily for grass mowing and a few small contracts (tree removal, electric).

All Utilities (electric, oil, water, telephone) - $5,000 which is 18% of the P & G budget. Cost of oil is about half of the utility cost.

FICA taxes and workers insurance - $1,400 which is 4%.


Spring spruce-up day. Great day and great success. Highlights include Bill Lane painting of the iron entrance gates and Jim Paul in deep discussion with Stephan Gerni while keeping a hand on a rake. Most thanks to the Meeting for their enthusiastic participation: Winslow repairing window sill in the old meetinghouse and trim on the common room. Leigh Ann pruning the rhododendron. Rob in caring for the trees in the meadow. Candace and Sam pruning the ivy at the brick entry posts.

A Contract with Duvall Brothers to grade and top dress all our drives and parking lots. The Trustees provided half the funds for this project.

P & G is working with contractors (and Trustees) to do more extensive pruning of trees (used to be an annual expense) and to repoint and putty the window in the old meeting house.

Butch, Clay, and Larny conducted a walk-about the buildings and grounds in November, noting and photo documenting the conditions. Randy Arnesen Termite and Pest Control did a separate walk-about, inspecting the crawl spaces of both meeting houses and caretaker cottage and the interiors of all buildings except the common room. No active infestations were found.

New refrigerator for the caretaker's house.


Sam and Vicky requested and took a weeks vacation this summer. First vacation in many years (ever?). Some rough patches (little advance notice and a discrepancy in vacation days), but will be smoother next time. To date the Websters have not expressed any desire to end their tenure as caretakers. But that day will come. The meeting should begin to address this.


Some have noticed a need for better general maintenance of the property and grounds. This is an on-going issue. The Websters are responsive to direction on specific tasks, but the impetus seems to always come from the P & G committee and not from their own initiative. But they stepped forward and made our buildings and grounds present very well for the 325 celebrations. And they are continually integral in maintaining our peaceful sanctuary within bustling town. It was good that meeting members expressed thanks to the Websters for their effort and good work.

Committee: Leigh Ann Dodge, Stephen Gerni, Bob Kemp, Sr., Butch Kemp, Bill Lane, Jr., Clay Owens, Craig Smith, Sally Vermilye, Rob Weiland, Tylor Wrightson, Winslow Womack, Joyce Zeigler, and Larny Claggett. A great group and any interested are welcome to join - contact the nominating committee. We need to find a way for all to participate more.

Respectfully Submitted, Laurence G. Claggett, Jr., Clerk

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: 1st and 3rd Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293;; Find Us on Facebook


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