Overseers Annual Report,
Calendar Year 2017
Dona Sorce presented by Nancy Robbins—Accepted
The 2017 Overseers Committee included the following members: Larny Claggett, Lorraine Claggett, Marsie Hawkinson, Connie Lewis, Nancy Robbins, Adrienne Rudge, Dona Sorce (Clerk). These same members will continue to serve in 2018 and the following members will be joining the committee in 2018: Dawn Atwater, Tom Corl, and Bill Schauer. Nancy Robbins serves as Co-Clerk with Dona Sorce.
In 2017, Overseers met on the last Sunday of each month during the months of January, February, March, April, May, August, September, October, and November. The December meeting was held on January 7th due to holiday plans.
The primary focus of monthly committee meetings was the sharing of concerns for individual members and discussion regarding how Overseers might reach out to offer support and expressions of care.
During the year, Overseers members reached out to individual members with phone calls, cards, and home, hospital, and nursing home visits.
Two meetings for clearness were held for new membership requests from Dolores and Bob Wack and Connie Crow. Three clearness meetings were held for reasons other than membership or marriage.
Overseers assisted the Zeigler family with planning the memorial service for Frank Zeigler on July 16th. Overseers members, primarily Larny Claggett, assisted families of other members who died during the year with making arrangements for memorial plaques to be placed on the wall in the churchyard.
Overseers organized and/or assisted with efforts for the following membership activities in 2017:
- The New Members and Attenders Lunch on March 5th that was well-attended and supported by the membership at large.
- The annual Fall Community Picnic on September 17th.
- The annual Holiday celebration on December 24th.
- The Friendly 8s gathering that will take place in the Winter of 2018.
- The purchase, creation, and distribution of new name tags for members.
Overseers began planning the program for the May 20th, 2018 Southern Quarter Meeting. The topic of this program is developing Care Teams for members and attenders who are unable to attend Meeting for Worship due to prolonged illness, disability or end of life issues.
The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia reminds us that the John Martin Trust provides financial grant support to members of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and its affiliated Monthly Meetings for "necessitous Friends". Typically these are elderly persons on a fixed income or families with expenses beyond their means created by illness, accident or long term care. Grant limits per 6 month term are $7500. Ongoing assistance or loans may also be given. Requests from 3rd Haven members in need can be made to the Overseers Committee. Further information is available at pym.org under Friends Funding Directory/Grants.