Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1.12.13 Interim Meeting,
Report to Third Haven Friends Meeting, 1.13.13
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) Interim Meeting (IM) now meets 5 times a year and performs the governance functions of PYM between the PYM annual sessions. The Third Haven IM representatives will make an oral report to the Third Haven meeting for business and prepare a brief written report for the minutes following each IM. Those Friends who want additional or complete IM information, can go directly to the IM page on the PYM website. On 1.12.13, Tom Corl and Dee Rein, Third Haven's IM representatives, went to the 4th and Arch Street Meetinghouse for IM. Information and materials are emailed to monthly meeting IM representative before the IM.
Selected Items
- The "Annual Report to Interim Meeting on PYM Funds" (8 pp) was prepared by the Financial Oversight Working Group (FOWG) and Linell McCurry, Interim Associate Secretary for Business and Finance, and presented by Jackie Bowers, FOWG clerk. The report clearly shows PYM financial assets and the many restrictions on the principal of various designated funds and the several trustees responsible. This report makes complex PYM financial information more easily understandable. While PYM has almost $44.5 million in funds, most of this sum is restricted, not liquid nor available for operating expenses. This report is available on the IM page of the PYM website and may be posted on the Third Haven website.
- The PYM Long Range Planning Group reported. It indicated confusion and lack of progress. It said in part, that the group was not "able to agree on how to proceed after many months of full group discussions of different ways we might approach our task." IM members were kind and supportive, but the lack of progress after a year a sad commentary.
- The Annual Fund report did not report the annual goal or funds raised to date. Instead, members of the Development Committee led a worship sharing on why Friends should contribute more money to PYM. Third Haven currently contributes about 30% of its annual income to PYM. In addition, Third Haven Friends contribute a good deal more directly to PYM. Your Third Haven representatives find that such worship sharing will not inspire financial contributions to PYM.
- The Financial Stewardship Committee (FSC) and clerk Andrew Anderson proposed that the PYM fiscal year (FY) be changed to October 1-September 30, so that the budget approval at the PYM annual sessions will precede the beginning of the FY. This will entail a 3-month adjustment period, July 1-September, 2014, which will not adversely affect financial management or audit. This was discussed and approved.
Other Items
The meeting opened and closed with silent worship. Several items were routine or for information: introductions, recognitions, General Secretary's (Arthur Larrabee's) report, report on Junior IM in February, and approval of the 11.10.12 IM minutes.
IM accepted a recommendation from the Arch Street Meetinghouse Standing Committee and clerk Alan Crosman that the serving of wine be allowed in the Arch Street Meetinghouse. This will allow more rental uses and income. This was discussed approved.
The IM approved regular annual reports to IM from PYM standing committees. This corresponds to the Third Haven practice. The agenda committee will set schedule of standing committee reports. This was discussed and approved.
The recording clerk read 1.12.13 action minutes.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Corl
Interim Meeting Representative
Third Haven Friends Meeting