All Clerks' Meeting Summary, January 2020:
Discussion: How do we support the Planning Committee going forward?
Themes from previous discussions:
- Spiritual Growth and Enrichment
- Beloved Community
- Nurture one another
- Preservation of Past
- Desire for vibrant Future
- Accessibility and safety
- Sustainability
Features of Importance:
- Consideration of the whole campus
- Natural trails and footpaths
- Good lighting and signs
- Access for all; safety for all
- Consider good use of existing buildings
- Do work in stages
- Open up to new ideas and possibilities during planning
- Keep improving our natural habitat
- Partner with other like-minded community organizations
- Communicate with Meeting and committees on regular basis
- Be clear on our priorities so architect can help with vision
- Plan finances carefully so all changes can be made responsibly and in stages
Specific items of importance:
- Communication bridges
- Architect with historical perspective and Quaker values in mind
- Think about renovation of Annie's Cottage immediately
- Better emergency preparedness